Health & Safety Policy

Unite Against Covid
Site Safe
Citycare Property

At Roof It Limited, we recognise that the health and safety of our workers and visitors on site are crucial to our business’s success. Therefore, we continually strive to provide the most up-to-date information and resources for every project we undertake.

Our Commitments:

  1. Legislative Compliance:
    • We fully comply with all legislative requirements and relevant codes of practice.
  2. Safe Working Environment:
    • We provide and maintain a working environment that is free from health and safety risks.
    • Our systems of work are designed to ensure safety at all times.
  3. Management Responsibility:
    • We ensure that all management understands their health and safety obligations.
  4. Safe Equipment Handling:
    • We ensure the safe use, handling, and storage of equipment and hazardous substances.
  5. Worker Welfare:
    • We provide adequate facilities to support the welfare of our workers.
  6. Information and Training:
    • We offer relevant information, training, instruction, and supervision necessary to maintain a healthy and safe workplace.
    • We provide any additional information, training, instruction, or supervision needed to protect everyone from health and safety risks associated with our work.
  7. Health Monitoring:
    • We monitor workers’ health and workplace conditions to prevent injuries or illnesses arising from our business activities.

Hazard Prevention and Safety Management:

Roof It Limited is dedicated to hazard prevention. We develop comprehensive frameworks for health and safety management, risk assessment, and hazard control. We aim to progressively improve safe behaviours and working methods across our business.

Safety Commitment:

We believe that safety is paramount, and we are committed to creating and maintaining a safe worksite environment.

 Click the button to download our Site Specific Safety Plan.